User Profile

Manage Profile

To manage your account settings, first click on the profile on the top right of your screen and then click on Edit profile.

It might look something like this

Once on the account settings page, you will be able to add your Discord, add an email, manage all of your wallet addresses, and manage your membership in all of the communities that you have joined.

1. Profile image - is generated automatically, but we encourage you to pick your own. Just drag & drop any image file or choose a local. We recommend using a square one - after uploading, it automatically becomes circular.

2. Cover image - showcase your identity with a custom banner. A wide rectangular image will work best.

The cover image may be adjusted to fit the viewer's screen, which can result in the image being trimmed horizontally or vertically. A high-quality image of recommended width and with little to no text will optimize the display across devices

3. Username - you may have noticed that your wallet address is displayed instead of your name. Not exactly friendly, is it? So, put your name or nickname here. If you have an ENS address, it will already appear as a name.

4. Public URL - put a beautiful GizeDAO address like It can match your name, but not necessarily.

5. Bio - your chance to introduce yourself to the DAOs community. The optimal text is up to 180 characters. It will be put at the top of your profile and should be up to 3 lines.

6. Email - an optional field. It would be used for notifications and updates only.

7. Wallet address - a read-only field. Here is the wallet address you’ve joined GizeDAO with, which can’t be changed. If you're at the beginning of your journey and have multiple wallets, double-check if you've used the right one.

8. Links - increase your presence in the community by filling out social media. Note that your pages are meant, not DAOs’.

Click on Save, and you're all set!

Last updated